Friday, August 31, 2007

It's Friday!

Today is Friday and am I glad. It has been a wild and crazy week, between Missy starting school, work, and just the everyday things. This weekend isn't going to be much slower. Richard finished the "little room" this past weekend and now we have to put it back together, moving the China cabinet is a MAJOR job and takes the longest-taking all the china out and the other things that are in it, taking it apart, and the hardest part of all is moving it without breaking the glass (and is it really heavy too). But are we all ready to get things taken care of. After we get the China cabinet moved and get the room set back up it will be really nice to have some extra room. Our next big job is redoing the bathroom floor. Richard said he really likes the ceramic tile and he wants to put some down in the bathroom.

Well, guess I better get to work, its going to be a long and busy day.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Missy has had such a wonderful and busy summer thanks to John and Lori. Everything she did was church related. She went to her brother's house for about a week and came back with a trunk full of candy for the Youth to sell (she couldn't find the candy here).

When she wasn't out of town she was always wanting to go to the church and help John. This made Richard and I really proud of her. She would come home and told us what she did. She seemed like she was a big help to John. Now that school has started she really misses being up at the church all day, but wants to go up there after she gets out of school. Thank you John for all you have done for Missy.

Richard and I were teasing her one day that she had a new home. If she wasn't at the church she would be with Lori doing something or just hanging out playing with the kids. Thank you Lori for all you have done for Missy.
Today is Richard and my 27th anniversary. It doesn't seem like we have been married for 27 years but we have. God has blessed me with such a wonderful husband and two lovely children and a grandson (D.J.) who is now a year old.

God had his hand and angels over that little boy from day one. Doctors say that he is doing fine and shows no sign of being premature. All the prayers that were said for him has really been answered. Ricky and April both are doing good and have gone back to school and really are good parents.

Richard called me about 6:45 this morning to wake me up so I could get Missy up and ready for school. When we were ready to go we got into the Endeavor and I tried opening up the garage door and everytime I would press the button it would make this wierd noise and go back down. Come to find out that Richard had gotten home early (he has been taking me to work daily) and was trying to open the garage door at the same time. That can make you wonder what is going on. I got back home and he was there with a Dr. Pepper sitting on the bar for me to take to work and drink on this morning. He is really a wonderful person and a gift from God.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Well, this is my first time to be on. Missy made this for me for my birthday and did a really good job.

Her daddy, Richard, and I are really proud of her and the other youth that went to Fine Arts Nationals. Since they got back I have had numerous people asking me for a copy of her story. One of the men I work with came up to me and told me that he saw Missy's name in the paper and started laughing and told me to tell her that he wanted her autograph. When I gave him a copy of her story (but she didn't sign it) and the newspaper article he walked off reading it (he was really happy to get a copy of it.) and then several other people have come into the office and asked for a copy of it. There is a lady that rents from us that I spoke with the Saturday and she was asking about Missy and when I told her that she had just gotten home from the trip and she asked if she could have a copy of her story.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

New Member

This is my moms site, so uhh... I hope she will like it and keep it updated!!!